Through Dignisias Standardized format, we can make data driven decisions based on facts and KPIs which increases our profitability within collection and maximizes our cash flow during portfolio sales. Vincent Kolb, Chief Credit Officer Lunar
Last month's benchmark results for “Belgium Small Loans” is finalized. DCA Beta won with a score of 220 points. Go to benchmark results to see details for the period.
Your portfolio valuation is ready for review. The forecast is reliable and indicates a price of 21% based on an IRR of 12%. Consider breaking out Product type “Payments” as a separate portfolio for optimized value.
Performance post-sale in risk class 2 has been increasing last months. Consider adjusting score parameters to optimize sales.
With all your desired data collected in one place you can understand the performance at different stages of the credit value chain. Use the data to optimize lending, ensure right activity and maximize results across the credit’s lifecycle.
Our users often give us feedback on our work and the platform. These are some of the most common things that they address.